CBL International | February 2020 Newsletter

CBL International | February 2020 Newsletter

New look in 2020!

As we move into the new year, you may have noticed that our Summer in Oxford website has been updated. We have introduced a new logo to better represent more of what WorldStrides | CBL international does today. As last year was so successful, the registration for Summer in Oxford 2020 is filling up very quickly.

It is a very rewarding feeling to know participants have enjoyed their academic courses, and have made good memories from all the extracurricular activities, excursions and evening events“, explained Ellen Sierakowski, Senior Dean of the Programme, “now we are looking forward to welcoming more delegates in summer 2020!

You can find more information about our programme.



New faculty will join in Summer in Oxford 2020

Summer in Oxford offers motivated high school students aged 13 and above the opportunity to spend part of their summer in Oxford, the city of dreaming spires. By the way: Summer in Oxford is the only study abroad programmes for high school students fully taught by academics from Oxford.

We are happy to create the best study abroad experience and offer participants various electives to choose.” said Katarzyna Rytczak, the Head of Academic programmes. “For the upcoming 2020 Natural Science elective, we are very happy to have an additional new lecturer from the Department of Physics of the University of Oxford to join us.

If you want to learn about our electives, find more information on our website



Family and Alumni Discounts are available for Summer Institute 2020

The Summer Institute here at Oriel College Oxford is a prestigious programme offered by Oriel College, one of constituent colleges of the University of Oxford, in partnership with WorldStrides | CBL International. It provides undergraduate or early graduate students aged 18 and above the opportunity to participate in packed academic courses and seminars, whilst attending a variety of social activities at Oxford during their free time. If you are one of our alumni of the Summer in Oxford and want to relive your experiences in this memorable city, or if one of your siblings or friends aged 18+ is interested in the programme, they could save up to 200 GBP. Apply now and take advantage of the opportunity!